Home Travel How the apartment redevelopment is performed

How the apartment redevelopment is performed

by kenyanrides

Stages of completing the apartment redevelopment

The redevelopment in the apartment is based on the solution of not only repair, but also organizational issues. The process is clearly spelled out in regulatory acts.

The owner of the real estate must be prepared for the fact that from the submission of documents before receiving the permit can pass for more than one month. After receiving the permission and the end of all work, it is necessary to call the inspector from the BTI for the inspection and inventory of the premises, as well as the preparation and issuance of a new technical passport.

If, as a result of redevelopment, the total area of ​​the room was increased due to intervention in external structures, you will have to go through a special approval. Permission to put into operation of such facilities is issued by a special expert commission.

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