Possible options and help from the state in the purchase of housing
For families that do not fall under the federal program “Young Family – Affordable Housing”, there are other ways to purchase housing. These include the accumulative system and the purchase in installments.
Entering the funded system, the family receives a free subsidy for the purchase of housing. To do this, it is necessary to obtain the official status of a family in need of improvement of housing conditions. Then the apartment is withdrawn, for example, for 5 years, which is paid by the family (rent and rent), and a monthly contribution is calculated from wages. If a child appears during this time, then the rent will be below. Thus, the process of accumulation occurs. At the time of purchase of the apartment to the updated deposits, the state adds a subsidy, and the family receives living space into the property. There is a need, for some reason, to get out of the funded program. In this case, the funds accumulated for several years are returned, and the preferential queue is also preserved.