Home Food What ways can be insulated with the decoration loggia

What ways can be insulated with the decoration loggia

by kenyanrides

Methods and technology of Lodge insulation with decoration

Lodge glazing is divided into warm and cold. Each of these options has its own characteristics and advantages.

Cold glazing is the installation of double -glazed windows with a minimum number of cameras. However, if you plan to unite the loggia and the adjacent room, then it is better to produce precisely warm glazing. For this glazing, as a rule, two -chamber double -glazed windows with a significant air gap width are used. In addition, double -glazed windows are also installed when creating a small winter garden on the loggia.

The glazing of the loggia implies subsequently the finish and installation of the internal window sill. Often, plastic windows are used for glazing balconies, due to their excellent quality and high strength.

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