Home Culture The main properties and characteristics of porous ceramics

The main properties and characteristics of porous ceramics

by kenyanrides

Advantages and features of warm ceramics in construction

The following properties are inherent in “warm” ceramics:

1. Increased voidness, which allows the flow of heat to pass on the inside of the stone;

2. Porous structure;

3. Large -format blocks allow you to increase productivity and reduce the time of construction;

4. High strength, which allows you to build multi -storey buildings and structures;

5. A fairly simple way of laying, which can even master a person who does not have the appropriate qualifications;

6. A relatively non -high price that does not at all indicate a low quality of products.

The production of “warm” ceramics was started with the aim of creating alternatives to insulation in the supporting walls of brick buildings and structures.

The walls of buildings made of “warm” ceramics provide high comfort, softening the temperature difference.

“Warm” ceramics are used in construction for laying external and internal walls, as well as supporting and additional structures.

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